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How to keep a check on blood sugar level during summer?

Sudden rise in temperature might bring extra challenges for people with diabetes. Hot weather can make them more sensitive to high temperatures and humidity. In this time of the season, it is very difficult to maintain the blood sugar level and might be at increased risk for developing heat exhaustion.
In this season, it is very important to closely monitor the blood sugar level and watch for possible symptoms that body is not handling the heat well. There are several ways, the heat can affect people with diabetes. Along with that, people with diabetes tend to get dehydrated easily which can make them feel tired and sluggish. A few signs of mild to moderate dehydration include:
• Fatigue
• Decreased urination
• Increased thirst
• Dizziness or light-headedness
• Headache
• Dry mouth and dry eyes
In case of severe dehydration, the signs can be:
• Excessive thirst
• Dark-colored urine
• Low blood pressure
• Rapid heart rate
Here are a few tips for warm weather and diabetes management
The best approach to keep on top of your diabetes is to carefully manage it. Here are some suggestions to help you do so while being safe in the heat this summer:
• Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water: You must avoid dehydration at all costs, so make sure you're drinking plenty of water. However, avoid sugar-sweetened beverages.
• Monitor your blood sugar levels on a regular basis: This applies to activities such as exercise, which impacts your blood sugar levels regardless of the weather. Blood glucose levels can fluctuate significantly more in hot conditions than you may anticipate.
• If you're going to be outside, try to keep as far away from the sun as possible: Exercise indoors in air-conditioned rooms. The heat index can be fairly high in bright sunshine, so go for the shade where it's a little cooler. Heat and humidity will be less of an issue for you. If you really enjoy exercising outside, schedule a session for early in the morning when it's a little cooler.

• Know what drugs you're taking: Read all of your medication's directions thoroughly to ensure you're aware of any heat-related cautions.

• Be well-prepared: If you have type 1 diabetes and take insulin, have urine ketone tests on hand since you could develop a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Summer can be a wonderful time, but the heat and humidity can be difficult for diabetics. It's crucial to keep an eye out for indicators of dehydration and heat exhaustion, as well as your blood glucose levels. Make sure you have plenty of fluids, medications, and other supplies on hand. You'll be able to get your prescription, fast-acting carbs, or other supplies whenever you need t ...

News Release: How to keep a check on blood sugar level during summer?
Submitted on: June 21, 2022 11:26:53 AM
Submitted by: anjalisawant
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