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Dynamic Applications releases 21st century worldwide growth of Forest, a climate simulation.

Dynamic Applications releases 21st century worldwide growth of Forest, a post-climate CO2 effects simulation.

How it works

21st century worldwide growth of Forest is a simulation model in System Dynamics, a prediction method that became popular through the Club of Rome's study "The limits to Growth". We list worldwide ressources in Coal, Gas and Crude Oil, as well as estimations for yearly worldwide delivery of fossile ressources. From there, we calculate CO2 production, as well as evaporation, clouds, rainfall and the 21st century worldwide growth of Forest, per continent.

We allow the user to verify any formula we have ever used. All you need is a simple pocket calculator and the basic Rule of Three. Promo Codes are hidden right within the Tweets of our Dynamic Idea and Roadmap competition on Twitter, world's fastest network, for free. It's part of the game. As soon as you find them, you can activate all features of Perfect Desire, our professional application, for free. It will allow you to extend the simulation model by adding new Input Values and modify Target Formulas in an Excel-Style editor, right from within the application.

SocialMedia Followers leading the path of Development

Accompanying the Release, which went through a beta phase with hundreds freelance testers, two SocialMedia Competitions have been started. At @dynamic_idea, a public voting competition allows everyone to suggest, favour, and retweet new simulation ideas.

Public Roadmap

In parallel to @dynamic_idea, there is a public Roadmap Feature competition at @dynamic_qs, so users can as well prioritize our roadmap. We call it Customer Driven Development.

Since our roadmap is community defined, we try to give every person in the world a fair chance to participate, supposed they can get access to a free Twitter account.

Every month, we work on the top voted @dynamic_qs platform feature, up to the full month.
If time remains, we publish top voted simulation models from @dynamic_idea.

This way, we are Sharing Economy. It's an experiment in Swarm Intelligence. We define Online Democracy in idea and roadmap voting, and develop free Apps to participate from results. Is it possible? - we say yes.

Pay with a tweet.

About Dynamic Applications

Dynamic Applications was founded on January 01, 2016 by Martin Bernhardt. A widely unknown, small inventor.

Dynamic Applications has no flyers, sales consultants, traditional marketing, or budget. Our strategy is called Growth Hacking. We spend as much time as possible on Development of our free Platform. Following an Agile Development approach, we're working our way all up from the very bottom. We start from crap and make it better, every day. Dynamic Applications is a community approach. We pay with a Tweet, and define the next big thing to publish.

We are Dynamic Applications. We work to empower people. We are Sharing Economy. Follow us to g ...

News Release: Dynamic Applications releases 21st century worldwide growth of Forest, a climate simulation.
Submitted on: February 13, 2024 03:26:23 PM
Submitted by: Martin Bernhardt
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