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CFO Services for Startups under Financial Stress

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught businesses anything, it’s that they must be prepared at all times. But preparing often requires knowing what’s ahead via forecasting and data projections, and something like a pandemic, a weather event, or a health crisis can’t always be predicted. That’s why, in addition to preparation, you should have a high-level defensive strategy to deploy when unexpected events hit your business and cause financial stress.

It’s no secret that businesses all over the world are facing financial stress as the pandemic continues to loom large. But this may not be the first — or last — time your business has financial challenges in front of it. To mitigate those issues, you should consider working with a company that provides outsourced CFO services. A CFO can give your startup the tools that will reduce the financial stress and get cash flowing again.
Check out the following advantages to using CFO services if you’re under financial stress.

Strong Financial Systems, Processes

By using CFO services, your startup will be able to take advantage of strong financial systems and processes that you may not have had in the past. This is often the first step in dealing with financial stress because it can show you where you are and where you want to be. Then, the CFO creates strategies that help you get to your goals.

Without strong financial systems and processes in place, your company can’t develop the right roadmap that will allow you to alleviate the financial stresses you’ve faced.

Tax Planning and Compliance Adherence

CFOs are trusted advisors who help businesses maintain compliance with the latest rules and regulations. Your CFO will be in charge of preserving compliance with government policies for your business during every transaction and funding round and can provide guidance during tax planning periods.
Although this may not seem like a primary concern when your business faces financial stress, keep in mind that accusations of noncompliance can be time-consuming and costly. In addition, planning your taxes incorrectly could sink your business if you miscalculate the amount you’ll owe. This is where CFO services often pay for themselves.

Generate Data-Driven Insights

A CFO can oversee data collection such as accounting, consumer behavior, and much more to generate the data-driven insights that businesses need for making informed decisions. They identify which business activities drove the change, such as inventory turnover and sales, to track how the company is doing and identify actionable insights.

Your CFO should be able to ensure and assess the quality of the financial and operational data drawn from various sources. Maintaining data quality can help you define a data analysis-based strategy for your go-to-market plans. This is particularly essential for startups under financial stress, which need immediate insights into how they can boost cash flow and rectify issues.


A CFO can play a vital role in raising funds for your business. They are involved in preparing and pitching financial projections to potential investors and demonstrating the reliability of these projections. In addition, the CFO can perform the due diligence required before getting into agreements with potential funding partners.

Financial Planning

The more data-driven your startup is, the more likely it is that you will foresee opportunities and anticipate errors in advance. When a startup decides to go public or to merge with another firm, the CFO can develop and implement strategies to deal with rough financial periods and sudden growth to ensure a smooth transition.

Risk Assessment

The last thing a startup under financial stress needs is more stressors on it. The CFO helps senior management consider operational and financial issues and weigh the potential risks before implementing new technology solutions. They assess, manage, and organize processes to avoid procurement or operational risks, such as late payments, misplaced inventory, or misuse of corporate assets. This allows the company to mitigate future risks and prevent them when possible.

Forecasting and Reporting

CFOs can develop financial forecasts by capturing cash flow information and analyzing customer payment patterns. They ensure that the business has sufficient resources to meet their business goals and best utilize the opportunities. In addition, they create the financial reports necessary for the business to visualize how to alleviate stress and make money in the fut ...

News Release: CFO Services for Startups under Financial Stress
Submitted on: September 28, 2020 07:11:46 PM
Submitted by: Sudhir
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