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A+ Lab Sim update

The Lab Sim A+ will provide you with the necessary platform to gain hands on skills in fundamental computer technologies. This Practice Lab for A+ core 2 focuses on the practical aspects of the A + core2 exam objectives. By completing the lab tasks, you will improve your practical skills in supporting, installing, configuring and maintaining Operating Systems, maintaining Microsoft Windows and troubleshooting Microsoft Windows and networks, managing users, workstations and shared resources, security and implementing operational procedures.

Several lab exercises are made available with the lab simulator. Complete list of labs is available with the Labs Manual of the downloaded software.

Lab Simulator Features:

1. Include 100+ practice Lab exercises
2. Lab manual with detailed steps for each lab exercise
3. Detailed help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.
4. The demo version is limited to a fewer labs.
5. Ability to enable/disable navigation buttons
6. Administrator login for lab profiles configuration
7. Saving and reloading half completed labs
8. Resetting individual and all labs to default
9. Marking not attempted, not completed , completed labs in different color for easy identification.
10. Bookmarking individual labs or all labs under selected section
11. Take Backup/Restore of lab prog ...

News Release: A+ Lab Sim update
Submitted on: November 21, 2022 09:24:09 AM
Submitted by: Shantala
On behalf of: