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9 Tips To Maintain UPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors

With the many benefits that they offer, UPVC double glazed windows and doors are now the standard in new builds. By investing in these products that feature double glazing in Forest Hill, you can make your home more secure, energy-efficient, and marketable in the future.

Another great benefit is the ease of maintenance. And in this article, we’re discussing nine tips to help you maximise the lifespan of these double-paned windows and doors.

Buy quality double glazed windows and doors. To save maintenance costs in the long run, you have to buy quality and durable products in the first place. Order only from a reputable expert in Double glazing Forest Hill.

Use the right cleaning tools. Don’t use a cleaning material with a scouring surface as it may leave your panes and frames damaged. While a soap mixture is recommended, you can also use a vinegar solution as an alternative. When you use commercial products, always read the instruction first.

Clean the glass four to eight times a year. Glasses are the largest part of double glazed doors and windows. This is why you have to pay particular attention to cleaning them. Apart from traditional glass cleaners, there are more sustainable options like the so-called e-cloths.

Take proper care of their frames. When cleaning double glazing Forest Hill frames, consider their type of finishing first. If you’re cleaning white frames, you can wash them with warm soapy water quarterly. You have to be more careful with woodgrain frames because sanding or polishing them can damage their topmost later.

Inspect and lubricate hinges and locking systems. These window and door components can spell trouble if they’re not maintained regularly. To make sure they’re working properly, always inspect and lubricate them every six months.

Address damp and condensation immediately. Unlike other windows and doors, double-paned ones show little condensation. But in the event that you notice such an issue, you have to get rid of them to avoid mould from building up. Simpl wiping can already help address excessive moisture. You can also use a dehumidifier during the more humid months of the year.

Don’t forget to vacuum and get rid of dirt in tracks and rails. When dirt and other debris accumulate in these portions, it can make it difficult for you to open and close your windows and doors.

Deep-clean biannually. While the different parts have different cleaning requirements, double glazed doors and windows as a whole have to be washed once every six months. Generally, a soapy mixture is recommended. The corners, tracks, and rails of the exposed side of these products should especially be brushed vigorously to get rid of grimes.

Call for professional help whenever a repair is needed. Does your door stick? Is it a challenge for your to slide your window open? For issues that affect the operation of your doors and windows, it’s wiser to get help from the pro than attempt to do it on your own and incur more expensive repairs in the future.

Install Easy-to-Maintain UPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors

A leading name in double glazing in Forest Hill, Crestshield Windows has more than 15 years of experience manufacturing and installing double-paned windows and doors. Learn more about them at For enquiries, you may reach them at 01424 751017 or ...

News Release: 9 Tips To Maintain UPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors
Submitted on: October 22, 2021 04:08:57 AM
Submitted by: Double Glazing
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